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Assignment 3:
Designer’s Sculpture: Vertical Symbolism


2 Art styles. 3 Materials.
Produce a vertical sculpture with a story to tell.

Image by GR Stocks
Image by Hybrid
Image by Mateusz Butkiewicz
Image by Wengang Zhai
Image by Teo D
Image by Alex Gruber
Image by Ashley Piszek
Image by Duy Pham
Image by Annie Theby


The Final Project is a continuation from the previous Project 2, where students will proceed to develop and produce a Designer's Sculpture (based on the study model made in Project 2 to express the identity of the selected individuals. The outcome of this designer’s sculpture shall be supported with reasoning and justification.

sketch 1.png
Scanned Document 12-1.png
Scanned Document 12-2.png

Idea sketching​


As a continuation of the first assignment, I decided to stick with a similar narrative: The Corruption of Climate Change. I decided to play with layers like Rene Magritte as it also enforced the concept of "hiding the truth". These were a few idea progressions before a finalization.



I used cardboards and colored paper to test the layer and color combinations. It was difficult to acquire a transparent material to test, so it was based in visualisation

Annotation 2022-01-10 115319.png

Laser Cutting - AutoCad​


After measuring the mockup, the measurements were put in AutoCad for Laser cutting. As the material was acrylic sheets, manual cutting would be tricky sand dangerous

Transparent Colors​


Glass paper was used to tint the transparent color sheets. They were stacked and experimented before finalizing and attaching them to the acrylic pieces. Both Liquitex and liquid school glue was used as an adhesive, only to finalize liquid school glue as Liquitex could not dry without the air penetration between acrylic sheet and the Liquitex. 




As my sculpture's beauty shows only upon the presence of light (as per the concept of hidden truths), I had to be innovative on the photography method with limited professional resources. With a television and a a simple phone and iPad, I was able to produce the intended effect.

Poster: Draft 1​


When designing the poster, my tutor was not satisfied with it, and he pushed be to do better. After a few examples given by him, and the motivation to explore my strength of digital art, I swtiched from Canva to Photshop to equip myself with he tools able to satisfy the envisioned design

DB A3 (2).png

Poster: Draft 2 â€‹


The second poster was much better. However, it did not elaborate on the design process

Final work

Final Work

Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

As the name of the module, I became capable of thinking creatively and critically, especially in the Define stage. I've grown to be capable of analysing problems and ideas and arrive at decisions in order to proceed.


Final Work​


Attached is the full document of the submission, and the presentation video respectively



Lifelong Learning

I've learned to progress independently apart from the weekly tutorials available and be disciplined. I was also intellectually engaged when my tutor gave me feedbacks and advices into how I should improve on my ideas

Discipline Specific Knowledge

I've learned to learn from real-life examples form my tutor's pinterest boards as well as analyse artists and personalities. With these knowledge, I've learned to properly apply those knowledge by conveying it into a new space identity as a whole

Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

As the name of the module, I became capable of thinking creatively and critically, especially in the Define stage. I've grown to be capable of analysing problems and ideas and arrive at decisions in order to proceed.

Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

I faced many challenges, especially when having to change my poster design entirely after critiques. When I was advised to improve on it, I searched and learned from references online.

Communication Skills

I've learned to communicate with my tutor whenever I was stuck, or when I was in doubt about what to do. With limited time in tutorials, I learned to ask smart and crucial questions

Intrapersonal Skills

I am now capable of reflecting upon my past work and ethics. I believe I have done well as I was able to complete the assignment without last-minute rushing. Despite having obstacles, I overcame them with grit and patience.

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